
Showing posts from January, 2020

via beauty cream reviews hemp seed oil

via beauty cream   really wanted to enjoy my holiday work happened with the holiday season I got sick and I just really wanted to spend that time with like my boyfriend and like my family so I decided to hold off on filming but I decided to do it now because now I'm on vacation and like I have really cool stuff to film and it's a different backdrop so I thought that would be interesting I was gonna film like a cold winter routine but it's kind of the same as my route like regular routine I do like when I'm back like in LA I just like layer more cream skin under my moisturizer just to provide more inclusivity so I mean you've essentially seen the routine already that's why I didn't do it but instead I decided to do my favorites of 2019 and I really held off on filming this because I didn't want to like upload it like a month or two earlier because like I'm still trying stuff to be honest and some of the stuff I haven't even filmed a review befor